Pancake Frightened By Cheapskate Ways
In Pancake's estimation, I've reached a new low (or high) in my cheapness. We should be closing on the house any day now, and I am paranoid that there is some expense for which I haven't accounted. Consequently, I've been spending hardly any money, and today we had to buy enough food to feed ourselves and Pancake's folks, who have moved to the camp where we're staying until we get our house. Tonight we're making pizza (with veggie topping, no pepperoni, because we have veggies in the fridge and pepperoni is pricey) and tomorrow we're making barbeque beef sandwiches (I already had the meat in the freezer). We also had to make a stop at Family Dollar for personal supplies. I'd been putting off that trip by watering down everything and using free samples, but today I had to buck up and spend $10. While we were there, Pancake wanted to buy a $3 phone cord to replace the messed up one at camp, but I put the kibosh on that, saying we could buy it for his folks as a gift after we move out.
While I'm all about frugal living, I have to admit that I've been a bit ridiculous lately. Once we're in our house, I'll be able to back off a bit.
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